Once looking through all of our idea's, for our ident for the new television channel called "The grid" we decided on the rubies cube idea as our best idea. we believed that this idea fits into the identity of the channel.
we wanted the aspects of the ident to reach out to the target audience; we believed that the colours of the rubies cube would do so.
our plan is to put the letters in which make up "the grid" onto the rubies cube and then play around with it until it spells out "the grid"
we have chosen to use all different on angle types, ranging from; track in/out, close up, mid shot, extreme long shot.
when talking about the ident further we are planning on having an voice over a the end of the ident which would normally be done by the continuity announcer.
the costumers; which the actors within the ident will be wearing will be normal day to day clothes.
we aim to make the ident creative and exciting through the angles and colours which is in the shots. we aim to have the mise-en-scene targeted at the target demographic. we aim to this by; the range of colours, the colours on the rubies cube have a number of different colours so this will help us complete the aim.
there will be different titles within the ident to indicate what the television channel is actually going to be like and the types of programmers which you will find.
the types of music which we will be using will have a up beat tone and will fit in with the beat of the music and film.
we will make our ident innovative by using the rubies cube. no other tv ident has used an rubies cube before and in the way which we will be framing them and all of the different angels. when on i-movie we will be changing the colours and also adding effect to make it seem more entraining for the target audience to be watching.