Once uploaded the footage which we had film, we began to editing it in I-Movie ID, we sat down with our story board in front of us and put our clips roughly in order on the clip viewer. as you can see from the screen captures, we have got a number of different angles just for one shot. we did this so we able to make the choice of what shot we would want and what one would fit in with the
theme of our ident. we also did this because we were then able to cut the clips up to make our TV ident flow better.
After this we put the clips into the timeline and started to editing the clips together. this meant that we used the short cut of "cmdT" this able us to cut the clip where we wanted however we needed to put the playhead at the selected place on the clip before cutting it. once all of the clips were in order
and we agreed that we all liked the way that the ident would be seen we choice to add some effects to some of the clips. here are some of the effects which we thought would fit in well with our TV ident and also would relate to our target audience for 'The Grid'
This is an example of the peephole effect being used and added to one of the clips. the reas
on we choice this effect was because it helped focus in on the rubiks cube which was the main prop of the ident. we ad
ded this effect to this clip by going to editing and then video FX and going to the peephole option. and choosing the right contrast in the 'effect in' 'effect out' and also chosen the two colours which we want to use. we choice black and white as we thought these two colours would relate to the target audience. we have also added this effect to other clips throughout the ident so this was a common theme throughout the ident
we also added this effect to a clip which contained the rubiks
cube, we added the 'hue adjust' as we thought with this effect we could make the the overlay colours which are in the rubiks cube, and also it made the outline of the rubkiks cube and the colours within the square stand out more. we thought that this was able to reach out to the target demographic as it's colourful and they would be drawn into the ident by the colours.
this clip was filmed through a window, we had decided to add the rain effect onto the clip but after watching the ident from the beginning and seeing that it doesn't really fit into the ident we decided to take this away and leave the clip as it was. as the rain effect made it look fake and did not really fit into the theme which we were trying to get demo-straight within our ident.